DeNittis Osefchen Princeย pursues class actions and personal injury cases on a contingency basis. This means we do not get paid unless we are successful with your case. We also front all costs and expenses on the cases we pursue. This means we make a substantial financial commitment to your case. We prosecute every matter aggressively and diligently with the goal of preparing every case for trial. You are not responsible for our fees if we are unsuccessful. Also, if we are unsuccessful, the majority of the time you are not responsible for reimbursement of costs and expenses.* What this means is we are taking a substantial risk in helping you prosecute your claim and have a vested interest to do everything we can to win you case.
DeNittis Osefchen Prince is committed to devoting the necessary legal and financial resources to aggressively prosecute every case and bring them to successful conclusion.
We invite inquiries from prospective clients. If you are in need of an attorney, please contact us at 856-797-9951.
*In very limited circumstances the firm reserves the right to seek reimbursement of costs and expenses in personal injury cases from a client. This only occurs should the client not accept a settlement offer recommended by the DeNittis Osefchen Prince prior to trial or the client disengages DeNittis Osefchen Prince before conclusion of the case and hires a different firm after DeNittis Osefchen Prince has expended financial resources into a case.