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*ย Prior Results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Results may vary depending on the particular facts of your case and legal circumstances.

Cappolina vs. Franklin Township and Gloucestor County Preliminatry approval for $1.9M
DeNittis Osefchen Prince Large Logo Transparent
Amount Recovered
$ 0
Cappolina vs. Franklin Township and Gloucester County, Docket No.: GLO-L-1289-21 gains prelimary approval for $1.9M.
Altice Class Action Settlement: $15 Million Over Alleged Bogus Illegal Fees
Read about the Altice Class Action Settlement resulting in 15 million over alleged bogus illegal fees from DeNittis, Osefchen, Prince, P.C.
Amount Recovered
$ 0
Read about the Altice Class Action Settlement resulting in 15 million over alleged bogus illegal fees from DeNittis, Osefchen, Prince, P.C.
Grillo vs. RCN Telecom Services settlement for $11.5 million dollars
DeNittis Osefchen Prince Large Logo Transparent
Amount Recovered
$ 0
Judge Walcott-Henderson granted final approval to a $11.5 million class action settlement in Grillo et al v. RCN Telecom Services, LLC, et al.
Reid v. RCN Telecom Settlement
RCN Telecom Services, LLC et. al. settlement
Amount Recovered
$ 0
A consumer filed a class action lawsuit saying that RCN Telecom violated the law by charging excessive late fees for broadband Internet service in violation of RCNโ€™s own terms and conditions.
Man Who Suffered A Brain Injury Slipping on Ice Recovers $7.1 Million
Stephen DeNittis
Amount Recovered
$ 0
Ingling v. Ryder Truck still stands as the largest recovery from an individual slip and fall injury in New Jersey history.
Old Navy Settles Fake Sale Class Action Offering $340 Million In Settlement Benefits
Amount Recovered
$ 0
On December 2, 2021 the Superior Court of California, San Francisco Division, preliminarily approved a proposed class action settlement involving four class action lawsuits involving approximately 34 million customers that had been filed around the country.
Nursing Home Neglect Claim Settles for $5.25 Million
Amount Recovered
$ 0
A $5.25 million medical and nursing malpractice action was settled on behalf of a man after 8 long years of hard fought litigation.
Home Depot Settles Robocall Class Action for $4.35 Million
Amount Recovered
$ 0
All persons or entities within the United States who received any telephone calls from or on behalf of Defendants or their agents and/or employees made through the use of any automatic telephone dialing system or with an artificial or prerecorded voice are part of this settlement.
Gap Factory Settles Fake Sale Class Action Offering $240 Million in Settlement Benefits to the Class
Amount Recovered
$ 0
On October 11 the court granted final approval of a settlement that had been reached in a class action lawsuit valued between $144 million and $288 million dollars.
Aqua New Jersey Water Class Action Gains Final Approval
Glass of water
Amount Recovered
$ 0
On January 28, 2022 the Superior Court of New Jersey granted final approval approved a class action settlement involving Aqua New Jersey and appointed DeNittis Osefchen Prince, P.C. co-lead counsel with the firm Javerbaum Wurgaft.

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Shane T. Prince

Attorney and Partner
More than 20 years in complex litigation. Handled over 75 class actions. Skilled litigator. Devoted father. Renaissance man.
Focuses On: Class Actions | Consumer Fraud | Personal Injury | Complex Litigation